

It has been a quiet few days ain't it? wonder why?

On my side it's just been the off days, relaxing a home with much to do at home. All those procrastinated chores have finally been attended to (okay okay not all of them), gave my bike a good run, and even managed to almost complete my Manager season in FIFA 08.

But, the ultimate reason for me being offline is explosive (or could it be expletive) diarrhoea!

man i got hit on Moody Monday and haven't been seeing lumps since. Tried all sorts of home remedies (yes the teh-o pekat and bananas and over-toasted bread, even my personal favourite 100 plus), and somehow seemed to be recovering; but any wrong meal set it off again.

Today was the worst. Didn't have any sort of reaction the whole day,so i thought the stomach had finally settled. So what do i do? I EAT! Lo and behold, it's WWIII in my belly all over again.
And now i can't settle it down. I guess if all fails, tomorrow the doctors gonna be giving me a royal scolding for not coming in earlier.

Somehow, this episode is not as bad as the one i had in '03. My that one brought a whole new meaning to the phrase 'imbalanced tummy'. That one had me crawling , yes literally, to the toilet every few minutes. That one even had me bed ridden with fever!

Somehow i always classified myself as being born with IBS (yes that's the famous one). But this week, i think i have to either get myself checked for an official classification, or i need to come up with a whole new syndrome named after my arse!

Oh yeah.... wish the germans have a better night then i've had a weekend!