

as days pass here, u initially take notice of all the small things here that you wouldn't normally see in everyday life. i mean granted a lot of the things are different like public transport, weather, culture, food etc. but actually these actually lend itself to effect other items.

exhibit a: this stack of books here in the picture. usually at home, you'd have to pay a hefty amount to get a chance to read these 10 books, even if you buy from the second hand/charity/novelty stores.

and how much did i kena, u ask? GBP 9.90. for the whole stack. not each, all!

like sheesh. i know back home we pay extra taxes for foreign books, but u'd think second hand stuff should be at least cheaper but it's much cheaper here. and from what i hear, there are other shops which give em for a cheaper rate.

and one good thing is, with the public transport (tube etc) you have more then enough time to read, and you'll be able to get thru the book faster then usual also heheh.

exhibit b : on my left i present an ordinary glass. wait let me correct myself. it's a McDonald contour glass which at home u get after buying a Contour Meal (Large value meal + Sundae), but here u get it with just a large meal! well it's no biggie, just u know ... you don't need to pay so much eh? (disclaimer here: take it at a 1:1 la)

well, until next time then!


mei said...

whoa...GBP9.90 for 10 books!

deepak said...


Anonymous said...

wag u paid so much for them books? you can swap/get 'em for free on swap sites and freecycle (just pay postage/public transport). :p

deepak said...

yeah but freecycle u can't go n browse n pick the titles :p

Jasminder said...

0.99GBP for a book is ok what... Pay as much or more for postage and public transport!