
sigh... been like this for the last few WEEKS.... i know it's not as bad as some parts of the world... but for our normal weather.. this ain't!!

this is night weather... and with the tropical humidity to add to the mix! thankfully it rained a couple of nights back, but it's not getting cooler just yet. Meteorological dept says it's gonna be another MONTH .. aarrghh... sick of having 3-5 showers a day! sit in front of the PC at home and i'm sweating within 3 minutes.... com on alredy. RAIN RAIN RAIN!!!


limfy said...

every morning i woke up with sweats all over IUUUUUUUUU tak boleh tahan liao la =(

Joel Chu said...

Fy, you're sure it wasn't poi's?

deepak said...


limfy said...

errrr...i m pretty sure it's not =P cos that's my "territory" he wasn't allowed to cross over MUAHAHAHA

George Yew said...

*sif sif*