my wifey used to love to listen to THR (local station currently owned by Astro) on weeknights cos they had 4 hours of Hindi/Punjabi songs / request radio program. While i used to get really (really) annoyed at the DJs for all the yapping and the consistently crappy ads... i found the occasional change from the other stations a very welcome switch.
However, couple of weeks back, after i got back from my 2 month period of here, not here, here again, not here... i tuned into THR a few times during weekends to hear..... no Hindi songs. Initially thought i had the days mixed up or some programming reshuffle had happened.. but after a few more attempts....i thought to myself.. hhmm lets google it up.
and this is what i found
well while i was smirking to myself, i was also aghast that there would be nothing else but repeated songs on other stations.
Oddest thing was though, this statement from the radio station itself...
in an SMS response, said it was “not axing the programme as Hindi songs are being played in between (HUH?)
and this one
The simple reason is it is not making money. However, Hindi Power will continue over the airwaves in the East Coast.
what the....
with all the crappy ads they had and still not make enough money? If so cancel altogether la.. why have it on east coast and not west coast? what's the rationale? i donno. Do you?
My guess is, that in a minority race of people in this nation, the even smaller minority in the race have been sidelined with a whallop. Never mind that the appeal for Bollywood music is huge amongst our nation's majority race.
Well for me, i found the best alternative( large thanks to my pal Balley and to my wifey for reminding me haha).
BBC Asian Network
Channel is in English (strong British accents) and mixed regularly with Hindi and Punjabi, 24 hours (instead of 4!! ps:screw you THR) and it's more awesome!!
(only downside is this is online la, so no crusing around town singing along to the latest melody from Mumbai )